Wednesday, 3 October 2007

NALC National Seminar 2007

National Seminar
Royal Court Hotel, Tamworth Road, Keresley, Coventry CV7 8JG
Monday 10 September – Wednesday 12 September 2007
“Community empowerment – the future role of town and parish councils”
Started with the Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman of the National Association, Councillor Ken Cleary, welcomed colleagues and set out the programme and objectives for the seminar

Report on the NALC AGM

Re-appointment of the President for the coming year the Rt Hon. The Earl of Lytton
Appointment of Vice-President for the coming year. Cllr David Leeson
· Re-appointment NALC Auditors for the year ending 31March 2008. Lithgow, Nelson & Co
· Annual report and Annual Accounts were received and approved
· Subscriptions were agreed for 2008/2009 4.93 pence per elector
· There were three speakers Mr Mick Rice a former district councillor who is now the manager if Birmingham Association of Neighbourhood Forums. Neighbourhood forum are community groups run by and for local people They provide an opportunity to discuss and influence the issues that effect local communities such as community safety and crime education, environmental issues, health and social issuers house local economy and transport. Birmingham City Council is moving to devolve decision – making, budgets and some services to eleven ‘districts’. Neighbourhood local knowledge they represent can make a big difference by ensuring that the districts spending and priorities reflect the needs of local people.
· The second speaker Mr Charles Lesley has worked in local government since 1979 and with other bodies since 1983. His background is in training & development and focusing on identifying and promoting best practice Advice to local authorities on the introduction of Compulsory Competitive tendering to Housing Management. He also has given a report on the experience of Black and Ethnic Minority managers on management.
· Third speaker is a prominent figure in People Management and in Local Government. He is also acting as Public Sector Practice Manager for Link Management Group. He is currently a director and consultant for his own company,Pieve Solutions, a People Management and Organisational Change Consultancy. All excellent speakers.
· Motions from County Associations Four Motions Two were carried one was taken back another and the other to be taken to the new working group next May

We had an excellent discussion at the recent national seminar about the future opportunities for Town and Parish Councils and the need to develop our organisation and funding to provide them with the support they need.
The seminar recommended that a review group should be set up to consider these issues and report to National Council. It was further recommended that the Group should consist of two representatives from each regional grouping of County Associations.

National Council considered this recommendation on Tuesday 25 September. National Council resolved to set up a working party and agreed terms of reference as follows:

To consider the future development of the National Association, CALC’s, Member Councils their future role, funding and organisation and to report to the Executive Committee and National Council.

You are therefore invited to let us have your nominations as soon as possible. Nominations have already been received from two regional groupings. We hope to have the first meeting in late October/early November and it is hoped that the review group will be able to submit its report and recommendations in the early spring.

· Cllr Kenneth Whetlor NALC representative DAPTC.

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