June 13th Unable to go to Planning meeting of LRTC . Gave apologies
June 14th Attended a meeting of the Local Area Partnership, I was pleased to see several of my fellow councillors there as well. With the Mayor I am the LRTC representative. This quarterly get-together of the Town's service providers and representatives of our local organisations now has real importance as it will act as the "guardian" of the newly published Community Plan. The meeting concentrated on identifying the first steps necessary to achieve the long list of possible projects. Delighted to hear that our local Ellen Rooke has been appointed Co-ordinator to the project. For me it is immensely gratifying having been involved in the very beginning of a process that has reached this far and what it will mean for the town in the years ahead. The towns people being involved in its decision making .
Thursday 14th June report for Council . In the evening I attended a Western Area meeting at Bothenhampton Village Hall The guest speaker was Mr Dugaid Lockhart of DCC who spoke on the subject of the Pathfinder project and what it will mean to local councils.
- The Dorset Pathfinder Proposal for enhancing the Multi Tier Structure
- Dorset Direct funded by DCC will begin soon
- E Planning which I have talked about for a considerable time will begin 1st July.
- Since the election 90 Councillors have applied and been given training. 30 more are having training this week funding supplied by DCC.
- Negotiations are in progress with Chideock PC and VOSA (Vehicle Operation Service Agency} to put a testing site on the A35 near Chideok. This has come about after years of trying and VOSA are all for it. The latest is that the air quality has been tested locally and is not good on average .
- About 137 you know now there are no limits for Quality Council on that money even buildings?
- Daptc has been given money by the SW for an additional part time officer in the DAPTC office this is great news and will free up time the Chief Executive to do training etc.
Cllr Kenneth Whetlor Western Area Representative
On Saturday 16th I attended the Executive of the Dorset Association of Parish & Town Council meeting. (Daptc) Info to follow
Wednesday 17th June LRTC Policy meeting I am unable to attend. Report handed in for the Wester Area meeting Apologies given
June 20th Unable to attend Policy meeting due to Eye operation
June 25th Unable to attend C O B meeting still recuperating
June 28th Coastal Forum meeting unable to attend due to another meeting RBLegion see Legion Page